New for 2024: More Info AND a Stow Sunshine Project Club!
The response to the Stow Sunshine Project website was overwhelming. It tells us that people really care about what's going on in our community and yearn for more information about what's happening in City Hall, what new developments may be happening on the retail, commercial or recreational fronts, and what issues the city faces in running the city efficiently while also providing desired and needed services.
To that end, we're expanding the scope and activities of the Stow Sunshine Project. Read our updated About Us page for details.

While we'll continue to provide some of the info Stow residents desire through this website, sometimes, it's just better to get it straight from the source. To that end, we are starting the Stow Sunshine Project Club, which will enable Stow residents to dialogue directly with our elected leaders and hear about upcoming projects and legislation that will impact life in Stow. The SSP Club also will encourage greater civic engagement -- you'll need to attend our first meeting to find out how.
Our first meeting is Monday, Jan. 15 at 7 pm at the Stow ACME Community Room (just past the floral section, door on the right).
Have questions? Contact