New Year's Resolution Survey
We have a few initial thoughts about New Year's resolutions the City of Stow should undertake:
City Council should restore and standardize the "rules of engagement" for residents to speak at council meetings;
The city should rewrite its planning code so that we have the ability to attract new businesses while also protecting our residents from overzealous development;
Better communication with residents on what's going on in the city (the volunteers at Stow Sunshine Project can do only so much!)
Tell us what you would propose the city's New Year's resolutions be in the form below.
What Would Make Stow Better?
In January, Stow will see several changes to City Council, with the additions of Kyle Herman as Council At-Large; Kelly Coffey as Ward 2 Councilwoman; and John Baranek as Ward 3 Councilman.
Additionally, we’ll have a new Finance Director in Kelly Toppin.
These are significant changes that will help define the city’s agenda and how the various governmental bodies in our city work together. Likely, each of these people, along with returning Mayor John Pribonic, Law Director Jaime Syx, Council At-Large Cyle Feldman, Council At-Large Jeremy McIntire, Ward 1 Councilman Matt Riehl and Ward 4 Councilman Mario Fiocca, have already begun thinking about what the new year will bring for the city of Stow and their service to it.
With that in mind, we’d like to know what priorities do Stow residents have for the city? What projects, issues, legislation are topics that you feel the city should address in the coming year?
Let us know your New Year’s Resolution for the city below and we’ll share responses in a follow-up article to help our elected officials see what’s on your minds.